The Ensemble

  • clientGreat Grey Investments & Wonam
  • architectVan Belle & Medina & CONIX RDBM Architects
  • contractorCordeel Nederland BV
  • CategoryHoogbouw geveloplossingen

A grand and tall facade project: The Ensemble in Amsterdam. Two residential towers of 100 and 120 meters in height that are being built without scaffolding. For this project, mbX has been commissioned to supply more than 1500 elements, varying in columns, facade bands, ceiling cladding and facade elements.

A high-end order in which all elements will receive finishing. Approximately 500 elements will be polished and approximately 1000 elements will be sandblasted and polished so that the landfill side can also be experienced as a visible side. The elements will be assembled together with the aluminum on the ground to the HSB after which it will be mounted as one unit on the floor and the building will go up in height.


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